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Currently-Offered Ministries

A Course In Miracles_edited.jpg

A Course In Miracles Call

At 7 AM each weekday morning, you can join the community on a conference call to integrate the teachings of A Course In Miracles.  Each morning, we review a lesson, have meditation, prayer and discussion on the lesson so that we can integrate these teachings into our lives. This call is a wonderful source of healing, wisdom and guidance.  Please join us by calling 717-908-1636 x635833#

Hosted by

Officiants of TMC

Ray of Light

Noon Prayer Call

Each weekday at noon, you can call to receive prayers for your specific issues, or to  offer and participate in the power of group prayer.  Please join us for this uplifting and supportive group.  We're here for you.

Hosted by

Chapel Ministers

Statue of Indian Goddess

Goddess Circle

We honor the Divine Feminine with a monthly Goddess Circle. We seek to intellectually understand the Goddess as worship by many people since ancient times around the world. In prayer and meditation, we allow her loving and powerful presence into our lives.  If you are interested in joining, we hold our Goddess Circles usually on 3rd Friday of the month at 7:30 pm. Check the calendar for this month’s schedule.  Call 717-908-1636 x635833# to join via Conference Call, or click the button below.

Hosted by

Rev. Cynthia Tootle

Image by Hello I'm Nik 🎞

All Message Service

We have a large group of psychics and mediums with years of experience in accessing the realms of the psychic and spiritual realm.  


The All Message Services are conducted after the Virtual Sunday Services usually on the 2nd Sunday of the Month. ***All Message Services will resume shortly. Date and time will be announced. ***

Hosted by Healers of the TMC Community

Divine Healing

Spiritual Healing Circle

Learning to spiritually heal and to bear messages takes practice. Whether you are a novice or advanced

practitioner, join us via teleconference to practice sending healing energy or just to receive it if you need a boost to your healing energy. We encourage everyone, in this safe and supportive environment, to open to messages from Spirit for each other. Learn how natural and easy to do! We end with unique and profound meditations which opens us to the Spirit realm. Join us Wednesday evening at 7:30 pm via 717-908-1636 x635833# or click the button below:

Hosted by Rev Cynthia Tootle

Hosted by

Officiants of TMC

Other Services & Ministries

We also perform the following Services upon request. Please contact us for more information.


  • Weddings: The Ministers of the Chapel will serve you in pre-marital counseling and planning and conducting your wedding. Our Senior Minister is experienced in conducting interfaith or same-sex weddings.

  • Spiritual Counseling: The Chapel ministers are available for spiritual counseling and support. We can listen to your concerns with compassion. We can help you understand your situation in the light of spiritual principles. Meet our ministers.

  • Funerals & Memorial Services: When a loved one passes, it is a great comfort to gather together to remember and grieve in a spiritual ceremony. Our Senior Minister has helped families of members create unique and fitting farewells for our beloveds who have passed over. 

  • Baptisms & Name Ceremonies: It is with great joy that we welcome children to our community. Our Senior Minister will work with you to design a baptism or naming ceremony that will be meaningful to you and your family. For children of members this may be part of a Sunday Service. For others this may be a private ceremony for family and friends.

Spiritual Counseling
Funerals and Memorials
Baptisms & Name Ceremonies
All at the Takoma Metaphysical Chapel

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